Film Review: Trainwreck (Judd Apatow, 2015) ★★★★

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Amy (Amy Schumer) is a promiscuous, commitment-phobic career woman who is forced to face her fears of settling down when she meets a genuinely good guy. Having been made to write a feature on a talented young sports doctor, she meets Aaron (Bill Hader) who makes her start to wonder if it's time to clean up her act.

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As a child, Amy's adulterous father impressed upon her that monogamy "isn't realistic". Now a journalist for a New York lad's mag, Amy has made promiscuity her credo whilst her younger has settled down with baby on the way. Amy's closest proxy to a relationship is with a bulky bodybuilder, Stephen (John Cena) with whom she has awkward sex with between his protein bars. As much as she enjoys an uninhibited life free of commitment, Amy is in a rut and a creature of terrible habits. While writing a profile about charming and successful sports doctor, Aaron Conners (Bill Hader from The Skeleton Twins and SNL), she finds herself enjoying his company a little too much and begins to fall in love - and what's more, Aaron seems to be initiating it all. But can she break her old habits for the sake of her first successful relationship?

Judd Apatow gets back in to the director's chair for the first time in nearly three years and this time with something he didn't write himself. Written by our leading lady, Trainwreck boasts gender politics, love and sexual sensitivities and it is a Apatow film with a foul mouthed, feminine touch. Structured with your standard Apatow format, the only difference this time is that your standard flawed protagonist comes in the form of Amy trying to win back her love interest having made mistakes. Nothing about the narrative is anything new, nor is it unpredictable but as Apatow as proven in the past, the formula works. Filled with impressive cameos (not forgetting LeBron James who is outstanding) and hilarious scenes, Trainwreck proves itself to be one of the boys.

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There is, however, still plenty for the ladies. Contrasting between both the male and female points of view, Trainwreck provides an interesting take on relationships and gender roles. Though written by and starring a woman, gender equality sits majorly at the forefront of this narrative. Though Amy is shown as empowered, and independent; calling the shots in her sexual affairs, drinking and smoking - societies expectations creep in. Amy's sister is seen to be the 'good one' - she's settled down and raising a family. Amy, however, is the black sheep and, by the film's standards, must quit her party girl lifestyle and tone down her career commitments in order to hold down her man. Going from making a point to dislike the ideology of cheerleaders to then dressing up like one in order to win Aaron back. This is contradicting to a screenplay trying to break away from the 40 Year Old Virgins and Knocked Ups we've seen in the past. It is refreshing, however, to see a genuinely funny female lead and one that falls outside the normal Hollywood standards of the ideal female form.

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Taking it at face value, Trainwreck is an ultimately hilarious and refreshing comedy courtesy of a rising star. Amy Schumer has more than proved her efforts a writer, actor and comedian along side unlikely but lovable romantic interest, Bill Hader. Though certainly not one to watch with your mother, it comes highly recommended to all.  Trainwreck is in cinemas today and gets a Sophie star rating of 4 stars. Your boyfriend will love it as much as you do.

Will you be seeing Trainwreck in cinemas? I was actually very lucky that I got to see this back in May at a specialised screening. I've been sitting on my review for quite a while but glad I can share it now! It's been killing me now being able to release it. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below :)

Until next time movie fans,



  1. This has been out for a while in the US but I haven't seen it yet. I like Amy Schumer's comedy. A couple of weeks ago I was discussing seeing this with a friend but we decided to do something else. Since you like it, I'll see it before it leaves theaters, Sophie :) Some other movies I've been thinking about are Straight Outta Compton and The Man from UNCLE; I am curious about Irrational Man despite the mediocre reviews. I saw your colleague on give MI: Rogue Nation a good review and other people have told me it was good so I'll probably see that soon, too. I hope you're having a great time prepping for Frightfest :)

    1. I'm not sure they're getting much of a cinema release here sadly - I'll be surprised if they play at mainstream cinemas here but I hope to see them although not so fussed about Straight Outta Compton. I'm seeing Man from UNCLE tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it. I also saw Legend last week and got to see Tom Hardy there so I'll be reviewing that soon :) Thanks Gil! Hope you had a good weekend

  2. I have heard about this movie (in Germany it has the bad title "Dating Queen"),
    but someone said it has a similar humor to TED, which I don't think is so funny.
    But I might give it a try because the plot actually sounds quite interesting. :)

    1. Haha really? That's totally not even accurate because she doesn't even date guys, just sleeps with them haha. I think it's not really like Ted (that's alot ruder) Trainwreck is more like 40 Year Old Virgin or Knocked Up humour. I think you'd like it :) xx

  3. I saw this on saturday and it was sooo funny! Thanks for recommending I had never heard of it before your review but I loved it. She's so good too XD

    Sara xx

    1. Yay I'm so glad someone else has seen it! I thought it was pretty good! Thanks for reading it hun! x

  4. I really enjoyed reading this review. I agree with all said. I haven't laughed out loud at a movie since probably Anchorman but this had me in witches!

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

    1. Thanks hun! Appreciate you reading it. It's definitely got a similar humour in some parts. Glad you liked it! x

  5. This sounds interesting. I'm always on the lookout for decent films and this doesn't look like your typical chick flick.

    1. Yeah it's definitely very different. I can't stand proper chick flicks but this has some great writing and it's so funny. Hope you like it - you'll have to let me know what you thought of it :) x


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