Travel Diary: Postcards from Fuerteventura Part II

Cactus candles
Well, all good things must come to an end and so I'm back in the cold and wet UK. Having gone through all the hundreds of photos from my trip and returned to boring home life, I thought I'd share Part II of an amazing week in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands...

For the second half of our holiday, we went out on a yacht for the day for some lunch, swimming and amazing scenery. As you can see, the waters were crystal clear and we even got to see a few dolphins as they swam alongside the boat. At lunch, we stopped off at a cove and dived off the yacht in to the water where Jack also spotted a stingray swimming round his feet. A few days later, we rented some jet skis which was absolutely my favourite activity from the week - it was so much fun and we'll definitely do that again next year when we're away for two weeks.

It really was an awesome holiday and I'm now looking forward to next year in Palma even more. I never really considered myself much of a beach holiday person and usually prefer to visit cities. But with so many beautiful sights, it was hard not to fall in love with it all. The post-holiday blues have really set in now I'm back at work and starting my new role as social media manager. It's a lot of jam-packed days, busy blogging evenings and not much sleep but I'm excited all the same.

Well, that's it for Part II of my Fuerteventura postcards - have you been to Fuerteventura or the Canary Islands before? What do you like to do on your holidays? As always, I love reading your comments so please do leave me lots of lovely ones below.

Until next time,



  1. All of your holiday photos look dreamy!

    1. Aw thank you! I'm loving all your outfits at the moment btw - blog goals xx

  2. you've been making us super jealous with your instagram posts :p I've never been but looks sooo pretty!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. Haha sorry (not sorry)! Aw it was so lovely - can't wait for next year for more holidays now! xx

  3. Replies
    1. It was honestly so pretty! Everywhere we went was just like a holiday brochure haha xx

  4. That blue sea! Those dolphins! <3 What a beautiful place, I would absolutely love to visit one day. Heck, I would love to visit now - it's so wet and dark here - get me out! x

    Laura // Middle of Adventure

    1. Haha I would definitely recommend it - the South in particular is beautiful :) Omg I know, the second we arrived back in England it was raining and pitch black haha xx

  5. Wow, the place looks so amazing! It's perfect for a couple who want to have some fun. I like history and culture so looking through city attractions is more my style. The Greek islands makes a good compromise for me in terms of both history and seeing natural beauty. I've had good experiences with Thailand, too but their king died recently and it might not be so great a place to go to right now because everyone is mourning. And they had a military coup so I'm not sure how that affects things. Oh, about "hipsters" from our last conversation - I was just looking for a way to describe things. For me, "hipster" is a neutral term.

    1. I agree - I think that's why I love Berlin so much as it has so much history and culture but this was lovely too. I think Copenhagen is next on our list for a city break (I much prefer them). I've never really had a desire to go to Thailand as I've heard a lot of horror stories but I've heard it's beautiful too. Ahh ok, in the UK if you call someone a hipster they don't like it haha. It's not a bad word as such but no one would ever admit to being one. It basically means "cool kid" but people also associate it with being pretentious :)

  6. Wow! Everything looks so beautiful Sophie. The sea and sky is so blue! I've never seen dolphins in person but I bet that's a fantastic experience. You and Jack make a very cool looking couple too. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time :)

    Ashley xx

    1. Yeah dolphins and jet skies were probably the biggest highlight for me - it was a really lovely week :) Haha aw thank you xx


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