Lifestyle Event: The London Dungeon, Home of Halloween

A little while ago, I was invited by The London Dungeon for an exclusive preview of The Home of Halloween. Having not been to the Dungeons for absolutely years, I was so excited to head to the Dungeons and soak up all the spookiness in their event available just for October and Halloween.

The last time I visited the London Dungeon* was back when it was at London Bridge so a new look was way overdue. With nineteen storylines and two rides, you can come face to face with some of London’s scariest and most infamous characters including Sweeney Todd, Jack the Ripper and The Torturer. The Dungeons also features London’s only underground water ride and the hangman's exhilarating vertical free fall drop ride - Drop Dead. With it being the most wonderful time of the year with spooky season, and me being a lover of scares and history, I could not wait to check out the Home of Halloween. And so, we headed along to County Hall, Southbank for a special launch night event of their scariest attraction of the year. 

Decorated with dozens of beautiful pumpkins and spooky scarecrows for Halloween, the London Dungeon takes you through a dark history of the Capital. From Guy Fawkes' execution, to the sights and smells of the plague and the Great Fire of London, guests are taken through an immersive experience led by actors and characters from history. Just for Halloween though, the Dungeons have added their darkest storyline yet and added to their Jack the Ripper’s trial; exploring it in far more detail - available to see for a limited time only this October. 

Put in to groups and sent off to our peril, we were taken down in to the Dungeons to endure torture chambers and Jack’s twisted tale. Of course, you'll notice I haven't included any photos from inside the experience as, once we set off, we weren't allowed to take any photos or videos. This means you can actually make the most of the experience and not ruin it for anyone else - which I thought was really good. There are few places in the world now that ban photos and it means that you can really focus on the event and not be distracted by others.  

Well, having survived Jack the Ripper, we were taken to The Tavern for snacks and drinks. How wonderful is the table setting above, though? For those of you who love thrills and frights, The London Dungeon's is definitely a place I'd recommend to visit and snap a spooky photo at this October. Of course, it's worth keeping in mind that The London Dungeon is open to families and children so it's never going to be THAT scary, though no under 14s are recommended. You can book your tickets here.

Well, that's it for another lifestyle event. Have you been to the London Dungeon recently? Where are some of your favourite spots to visit at Halloween? As always, I love reading your comments so please do share your thoughts below. Huge thanks to the London Dungeon for inviting me to this event, we honestly had a fantastic night!

Until next time ghouls and gals,

*Disclaimer - We were invited to an exclusive event at The London Dungeons. As always all opinions are my own and are not influenced by the brand. 


  1. I went to do the London Dungeons earlier this year and I loved it. Even if I did get picked on twice by the character actors! There Halloween events looks like something I'd really enjoy.
    Kim x

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